Our Mission
As a committed group of medical, spiritual, and community leaders, it is our vision and desire to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of the Oromia rural area of Ethiopia, East Africa.
Aware we have the direct decree from the lord to serve “the least of these” we will work together to coordinate community resources to provide critical healthcare to this rural population in compassionate, ethical, and professional manner following the example of Jesus
New Initiative in 2022
We are working with Ambo University to partner in the construction of their new hospital.
- US Team members will work with Ambo University Hospital Director to identify the most important needs for medical equipment
- US team will request donations from a Texas-based donation supplier that meets our needs and timeline
- Our most critical need is raising money for shipping donated equipment to Ethiopia.
- Provide follow-up to ensure equipment is received, properly installed, and training provided.
Recent Pictures from Ambo

Previous Goals
3 Month Goals (accomplished)
- Establish liaison with Ethiopian Community Leader/Spiritual Leader
- Form committee to set goals/timeline/and promote Community awareness of project
- Schedule community outreach meetings to educate American Oromia members of Project
- Develop outreach materials: i.e. business cards/banners/logo shirts and have available for the Oromia community here and in Ethiopia
6 Month Goals (accomplished)
- Obtain Ethiopian Government permission for service in Ethiopia
- Recruit volunteers for fundraising and team membership and service here and Ethiopia
- Logistics/Service area in Ethiopia
12 Month Goals( achieved)
- The Team members in U.S.A. and Ethiopia work together more in detail.
- Monthly Fundraisers
- Set financial goals
- Monthly report from Ethiopia Leadership
- Establish service location (s), timeline for service